Getting Started

Getting Started

Creating the repository

To get started, simply use the ShipZen template on Github.

  1. Visit (opens in a new tab)
  2. Click on the "Use this template" button
  3. Click "Create a new repository"
  4. Fill out the repository details
  5. Profit!

Install dependencies

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run npm install

Remove the placeholders

  1. Search the entire project for TODO and replace it with your application's name
  2. Delete the LICENSE file
  3. Update the package.json's license field

Remember to delete the LICENSE file and update the package.json's license field if the project you are working on is not open source.

Setting up the .env

The following environment variables are required to run ShipZen:

DATABASE_URL=xxx # a `postgresql://` url, you can update prisma to use another database as well
SMTP_URL=xxx # a `smtp://` url
AUTH_SECRET=xxx # generate with `npx auth secret`

Add the filled in values to a .env.local file in the root of the project. Next.js will automatically load the environment variables when starting the dev server.

You can find a better way to manage environment variables in the direnv documentation.

Profit! 🎉

Finally start the dev server with npm run dev and visit http://localhost:3000 to see your new application in action.